Control Resistant Weeds Before Spring Planting
With spring right around the corner, experts say now is the time for
producers to control weeds that have developed resistance to commonly
used herbicides.
Jason Bond, associate research and Extension professor at the Delta
Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, said glyphosate-resistant
Italian ryegrass is a problem weed for producers in Mississippi.
“Glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides in the U.S., is
sold in commercial products such as Roundup,” Bond said. “Many weeds,
including Italian ryegrass, have developed the ability to survive
glyphosate treatments. Italian ryegrass is commonly found in
Mississippi’s major row crops, including soybeans, cotton, corn, rice
and wheat.”

The Mississippi Agricultural and
Forestry Experiment Station hosts small-plot research on the
Mississippi State University campus so researchers can evaluate
residual control of glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass to determine
the best practices for combating the weed.
Photo submitted
Bond said 70 out of 82 counties in Mississippi have some level of glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass.
“A minimum of two herbicide applications are required to control this
weed,” he said. “The applications should be some combination of a fall
application between mid-October and mid-November, a winter application
between mid-January and mid-February, and a spring application applied
sometime around March 1.”
MSU researchers in the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry
Experiment Station are studying the problem. In one study, scientists
evaluated the benefits of treating for glyphosate-resistant Italian
ryegrass before planting corn. They assessed the benefit-to-cost ratio
of these treatments by calculating the weed’s impact on corn growth rate
and yield.
“For every dollar we spent controlling glyphosate-resistant Italian
ryegrass before planting corn, we got $13 back on corn yield,” Bond
MAFES researchers began a related study in 2014 and are continuing
the work in 2015. According to their findings, Italian ryegrass needs to
be controlled at least a month before corn planting to avoid reduced
growth rate and yield loss. Specifically, Italian ryegrass needs to be
controlled 28 and 21 days before planting to prevent reduced growth and
yield, respectively.
“For every day we didn’t control ryegrass, we lost a little over a bushel of corn,” Bond said.
Justin George of J.P. George Consulting Service Inc. said plenty of
farmers will be focusing on weed control in the coming weeks.
“We are in late-winter herbicide application timing, which overlaps
and becomes spring herbicide application timing,” George said. “If
herbicides weren’t applied in fall, we will see a lot of herbicides
being applied now, including glyphosate, 2-4D and residual herbicides.
Residual herbicides are applied before crops emerge and stay in the
soil for a longer period of time, preventing the emergence of weeds that
compete with crops.
George said staying vigilant in controlling weeds can help break the cycle and reduce the amount of new emergence.
“Keep edges, levees and roadsides clean and free from problem weeds,”
he said. “Also, weed tolerance to herbicides seems to be building in
all areas, so residual herbicide applications are necessary across the
Lower commodity prices mean tighter budgets.
“High yields seem to be everyone’s goal and the best way to combat
low prices. High yields will be a necessity this year,” George said.
“Keeping up with weed control will help producers turn that necessity
into a reality.” ∆