Kentucky Master Naturalist Program Launches Spring 2024 Training Cohort



 Registration is now open for the Spring 2024 Kentucky Master Naturalist Program (KYMN) training cohort. The initiative, a part of the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, is dedicated to developing informed volunteers committed to conservation and natural resource management across the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  

"The program is a great way for people who are passionate about nature to learn more and get involved volunteering," said Ellen Crocker, UK Department of Forestry and Natural Resources assistant professor. "Not only will participants get to attend online classes on ecology, hydrology, botany and more, but they are also connecting with people around the state working to improve natural areas. 

KYMN offers a dynamic and flexible training schedule, comprising 16 Zoom classes over the spring semester. These two-hour sessions, held on Friday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET, are accessible live and through recorded sessions. Each class concludes with a quiz, ensuring participants fully engage with the material. 

In addition to virtual learning, the program includes a mandatory eight-hour field training, providing hands-on experience in natural environments. Participants can choose from one of three available days in the spring. 

Completing the 16 Zoom classes, field training and contributing 40 hours of volunteer work will yield participants a Certified KY Master Naturalist title. Those wishing to maintain their status must contribute 40 hours of volunteer work, eight hours of continuing education and 40 hours of volunteer service annually. 

The program fee is $150, however, scholarships are available. Interested applicants must submit their applications by Dec. 11, 2023.  

"The KYMN training provides an unparalleled opportunity for individuals to contribute meaningfully to conservation efforts in Kentucky," Crocker said. "The program fosters a community of like-minded individuals, all dedicated to the stewardship of Kentucky’s natural resources." 

To learn more and apply for the Kentucky Master Naturalist Program, visit  ∆

JORDAN STRICKLER: University of Kentucky 


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