Performance Evaluated Bulls To Sell Oct. 28 In Springfield

    The Southwest Missouri Beef Cattle Improvement Association’s tested bull sale begins at 7 p.m., Oct. 28 at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield. This sale was first held in 1973 to allow purebred cattle breeders to pool their on-farm tested bulls together for marketing.
    This fall sale marks the 82nd sale and will consist of 34 Angus and 2 Polled Herefords.
    “These bull sales are open to all breeds and composites that have expected progeny difference (EPD) values developed by the respective breed association,” said Eldon Cole, a livestock specialist with University of Missouri Extension.
    The Missouri counties covered by the association run from Vernon over to Laclede and down to Howell. Qualifying bulls must weigh at least 1100 pounds and be a 5 frame at 365 days. The bulls must be in the top 50th percentile on at least two of these EPDs: calving ease, weaning weight, yearling weight, milk and ultrasound/carcass intramuscular fat for non-parent bulls in the most recent sire evaluation.
    Data in the catalog gives adjusted weights and frames along with the various EPDs, accuracies and percentile rank for the breed. This ranking gives buyers unfamiliar with specific EPD values a quick idea where a bull ranks within his breed. An average bull on weaning weight, for instance, will rank at the 50th percentile. Greater weaning weight bulls will have a rank nearer 1.
    A 30-minute program on understanding EPDs and other bull buying thoughts will be given by extension specialists at 5:30 p.m. on the 28th in the sale ring at the yards.
    Catalogs are available by contacting Pam Naylor, sale manager at 417-345-8330 or by calling your University of Missouri Extension regional livestock specialist. The catalog is also available online at∆
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