Clean-Up Bulls An Important Player On Beef Production Team
The term “cleanup bull” is being used more frequently by cow-calf raisers as artificial insemination is more widely used throughout the industry.
“We probably need to come up with a more respectable name than, ‘cleanup bull’ for this important part of the cow-calf operation. Perhaps, refer to them as ‘super sub studs’,” said Eldon Cole, livestock specialist with University of Missouri Extension.
Cole says it is likely that many envision a cleanup bull as an unattractive bull that may be underfed and under-appreciated. Some see this bull as one that has not been given a breeding soundness exam and received pre-breeding shots, treatment for internal and external parasites.
“Progressive cattle producers who use technology, like heat synchronization and fixed-time artificial insemination, realize a cleanup bull is an important player on the beef team,” said Cole.
Clean-up bulls are actually expected to breed 40 to 50 percent of the females and do it in a limited time. Cleanup breeding usually starts 14 days after AI breeding and lasts 45 days.
In addition to being physically fit for breeding, a cleanup bull’s genetic makeup should be comparable to the AI sires. The cleanup bull’s EPD accuracy value will not be as high as the AI bull's, but the relative EPD for each trait should be similar to the percentile rank of the AI bull.
“A good clean-up bull that complements your herd’s goals as a seed stock or commercial producer should be one you’ll want to keep around for more than just one breeding season,” said Cole. “Top-notch cleanup bulls will probably cost a little more than you thought they would. However, if you select right and take care of him and he sires calves that blend in with the AI calves, he'll be worth it.”

A young cleanup bull that combines eye appeal and high EPD ranking for calving ease, growth and carcass merit at work at the University of Missouri Southwest Center.
According to Cole, the best way to evaluate a cleanup bull is to keep good performance records on his progeny as well as on the AI-sired calves.
“If the cleanup bull’s run with others it may be wise to invest in a sire DNA check to prove the parentage. It’s even possible you may find a cleanup bull that’s an equal to the AI sires you use,” said Cole.∆