2017 Arkansas Rice College Registration Now Open

   Herbicides, irrigation and replanting considerations are among the items on the agenda for the 2017 Arkansas Rice College scheduled for Aug. 3 at the Rice Research and Extension Center. 
   The event, held the day before the Aug. 4 Arkansas Rice Expo (See: https://uaex.edu/rice-expo/)  runs from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration is $75 per person and only online registrations will be accepted. Online registration may be found at: http://bit.ly/2szn660. Seating for Rice College is being capped at 120.    Registration fee includes lunch and all materials, including a sweep net, hand lens and a goodie bag with additional items. Continuing education units are available. 
“Crop consultants, industry personnel and producers will see current research on many of the production challenges Arkansas rice producers are experiencing today,” said Jarrod Hardke, extension rice agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. 
   For more information about Arkansas Rice College, contact Hardke at jhardke@uaex.edu or 501-772-1714. 
   Arkansas Rice College is produced in partnership by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and the Arkansas Crop Protection Association.  
   The tentative Agenda:
   • Breeding for Rice Varieties and Hybrids
   • Insect Scouting Demonstration
   • Measuring Irrigation Flow and Multiple-Inlet Rice Irrigation Demonstration
   • New Herbicide Technologies
   • Determining Midseason Nitrogen Needs with Greenseeker
   • Zinc Fertilization
   • Disease Identification Clinic
   • Alternative Nitrogen Management Schemes
   • Replant Considerations  ∆

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