Soybean Rollout

 Trials of XtendFlex Soybeans were viewed by farmers recently at the Bayer Crop Science Field Day here in Union City, Tenn. Lisa Streck, North America soybean launch  Lead, explained the benefits of growing soybeans with this new trait package, adding that the target date for launching sale 
 of the product is mid to late spring of 2020, pending regulatory approval.

 Photo by John LaRose Jr.

XtendFlex Soybeans Expected To Hit Market Mid-To-Late Spring

MidAmerica Farmer Grower

   Farmers were able to view trials of XtendFlex Soybeans recently at the Bayer Crop Science Field Day here. Lisa Streck, North America soybean launch Lead, explained the benefits of growing soybeans with this new trait package, adding that the target date for launching sale of the product is mid to late spring of 2020, pending regulatory approval.
   “One of the key features of the field day are our new XtendFlex soybeans which we’re targeting for a 2020 launch,” she said. “We’re very excited to be here today to give growers an opportunity to see some of our XtendFlex soybeans we’re adding to our lineup. Some of the key benefits these soybeans will bring our growers are added herbicide flexibility as they offer tolerance to Dicamba, Glufosinate and Glyphosate.
   Bayer has had an impressive number of field trials across the country this year. Some growers in the company’s Groundbreakers Program have already experienced this new technology for two years. They have had very positive things to say about the added flexibility they get with these new soybeans. And they’re very anxious to see the results at harvest.
   “The Groundbreakers program is a program we offer that allows farmers to experience our technology prior to launch,” Streck said. “We’ve been having the XtendFlex soybeans with the Groundbreakers the past two years. And obviously we test our product earlier in the pipeline so we have a very robust testing program.
  “What we’ve heard from  growers is they’re pleased with the added flexibility they’re able to get from the XtendFlex soybeans from the herbicide options; and then we’ve also heard  positive things from harvest results from last year and we’re anxiously awaiting the harvest results from 2019.”
   While they found the harvest results very good last year, they also liked the herbicide flexibility throughout the growing season, the tolerance to either or all of Dicamba, Glyphosate and Glufosinate.
   Input costs compare rather equally to anything else on the market now.
   There’s really little or no difference, it’s really the added choice and flexibility, based on the unique needs a farmer has in each of his different fields.
   Her take home message was an invitation to farmers to visit the field days across the country to get a chance to look at some of the XtendFlex soybeans.
   “We’re anxiously awaiting our harvest results to be able to share with growers, and we’d also encourage them to go to our website at to learn more about the Xtend Flexlaunch,” Streck said. ∆
   BETTY VALLE GEGG-NAEGER: Senior Staff Writer, MidAmerica Farmer Grower
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